Saturday, March 20, 2010

Houston Here We Are!!!

It's not like Houston, Texas could even prepare for what they were about to end up with.  A bunch of lost souls from New Orleans and the surrounding areas, with no homes, no clothes, children and pets in tow and no where to go!!  So here we are Houston, prepare yourselves for a bunch of crawfish eating, beer drinking, partying people like the NOLA crowd.

All of us Katrina sorts clammered for an open computer, which were few and far between, just to see if we could get a small glimpse of what was going on in our hometown.  The news was ok, but not enough!  We all needed more.  We needed to see pictures, faces, anything that was familiar.  The internet provided at the time more information than the news.

There were a bunch of us at the hotel, so we all met in the lobby instead of watching the tv in our rooms, we all watched together in the hall of the hotel.  None of us knew each other, but it didn't matter, we all started talking, finding out each knew someone the other knew, not unusual in New Orleans!  We were actually making coffee for the entire place because Houston has that sort of brown water type coffee, and we're from New Orleans, we drink what is better known at Antoinnes Restaurant as "3 Day Coffee", that is if you drink this stuff you'll be up for 3 days, it's dark roasted, with chicory, it looks more like sludge than coffee!  But that's what we were all brought up on and that's what we all wanted.  Fortunantly, myself and 2 or 3 other ladies thought ahead, instead of bringing enough clothes for a week or two, we brought enough coffee to feed an entire hotel full of NOLA people.  That's how we think in New Orleans, food, drink, drink, drink, then clothing and essentials!  We are more about the spirit than the material needs :)!

We sat for days watching the TV, googling new,  feeling like we were  living in a surreal world.  Our homes under water, our city blown apart, our lives on complete hold for a time.  I just could not believe what I saw and how devastated our lives had become in just a couple of hours.  But life goes on, and we did!  That's the good news!