Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I'm finally back....................

After loads of time, I'm back with my blogging!  Life has gotten busier for me and my family, my husband and I have started a foundation called "Trumpets NOT Guns" with our amazing celebrity face, Mr. Glen David Andrews.  We are both humbled that he has come on board with us and made this happen.  We are now hosting an event at Tipitina's Uptown with several local celebrities and restaurantuers.  April 16th is the date, and we hope that it is a very successful event.  We will be donating instruments to children in our city, in hopes that picking up a horn is better than picking up a gun.

Life post Katrina is no longer post K, we are back and we are better than ever.  This City is rocking and rolling to a great new New Orleans.  There are lots of great things happening, and yes we are back to at least 2 festivals a weekend!  I had to laugh when someone from Austin, TX told me that they had a huge event in their city and it brought in around 100,000 people, oh my, that's how many people just walk in the French Quarter on any given beautiful day in NOLA, and there are plenty of those!

Well I am back, and will be posting regularly, this is just my intro to say "HI" again, and hope that someone out there is interested in what I have to say!