Thursday, July 21, 2011

There are Bats in our Belfry CH1

So I have kind of thought about this whole blogging thing, and have had so many people tell me I need to write a book, so since they are all probably right I think I will snoop out interest right here on my blog.  I have also reevaluated how my blog should go, and here are my thoughts.  Number one, my house is a belfry, and since there are so many bats in it, I should go ahead and just post random happenings in my home.  And number two, I think these short stories should be a lot more interesting.  So here goes, Chapter one of my bats.

Such random things happen in my home that if I could record each and every one of them and had a nickle for each of them I would be a millionaire.  But just the other morning I bought catnip for our 2 cats to play in, kitty crack I call it, and boy did they play.  They were running around the house all day long hitting each other and wrestling and making so much noise you would have thought my kids were playing in the nip!  After a tiny bit of time, my boys got interested in the cat boondoggle and started filling up socks with kitty crack.  They were running up and down the stairs with loaded socks and the cats were chasing them as fast as they could.  The site of all of this was amazingly funny, because lots of things my kids do are not that funny, just annoying.  But this was an all time kitty crack high.  When I finally got the kids and the cats to slow down and just relax,  the cats started up again just play fighting.  Finally it was time for bed, so we sent all of the kitty crackheads upstairs, and the cats stayed with us downstairs.

I went into my bedroom and closed the door behind me, but the cats insisted on trying to come in by crying at the door, and jumping at the handle, so I finally let them into the room.  My husband and I were trying to go to sleep when all of a sudden both of the cats ran on top of our bed and started fighting, rolling all over the bed, and making only the kind of noise a cat can make.   I finally got up and shoed them both out of the room and closed the door behind me.  My hubby finally fell asleep, it wasn't a few minutes later that they were back at it trying to open the door with their paws.   Fortunately my hubby doesn't hear well in his left ear,  that was the up ear, so I felt like I could live with the noise until they got tired enough to just go away.  But go away they did NOT!  Stay they did! Jumping and trying to grab the door handle, until you would not believe it they opened the darn door!  They both looked stunned at their accomplishment, but the stunning show didn't last long at all, they pranced right in the room like two prissy divas and jumped right up on my bed again and started to wrestle!

I finally grabbed them both, ran their two little butts upstairs and shoved them into an unused room, since my kids have decided it's much lazier to sleep on the sofa so they don't have to fix their bed in the morning.  There they stayed the rest of the night, by morning the room was a mess from them running all over the place wrestling and just acting up, but we all had a good nights sleep.  They on the other hand had a good days sleep, since they had been up all night causing mayhem.  My day was later spent waking them up every 15 minutes or so just to ruin their dream of a day.  Lazy messed up cats that they are we all still love them, but on occasion I would love to put an ad out for sale "two rambunctious, catnip loving, door opening, noisy brothers, free to crazy home."