Sunday, February 14, 2010

Busy Mom of 8

Well here we go! Yes this is my first NOLA mommy blog, and being from New Orleans right now is the most amazing thing that anyone can imagine! We suffered Katrina, we came back, we opened our city via national news with the Saints and the Superdome, and now, yes now, WE HAVE WON THE SUPERBOWL!!! wow, wow, wow! I have always been a proud NOLA mom, born in New Orleans, grew up in New Orleans, went to school, got married, started our married life, our business', and our huge family, yes all in the great city of New Orleans! Do I sound proud? You had better believe I am proud! We have always been known as the city of last, by others of course, but not by us, we are the city of greatness, we are "The Big Easy".

It's very hard to find someone around here that is not totally in love with this city. And right now especially, we are the "Who Dat's", our city is the nation to us. Also, better known as the "Who Dat Nation".

I am now blogging to let the world know how proud we are, but most of all, to help all of those mommies out there that are at their wits end with one or more children.

More to come, but these are my thoughts today, I will tell you more about our lives and how we survived Katrina.

1 comment:

  1. Holy mackerel! Goosebumps all over! I could just cry with pride over our boys winning that game and bringing that trophy home! It's just not something we can explain to those who haven't grown up on the drinking water ya know?

    Well, my mom just forwarded me your blog and am SO EXCITED to get to keep in touch with you this way. I look forward to hearing your stories. :)

    Jenny Paoletti :)
